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without the high cost of traditional education.

from Anywhere in Just ONE Semester –

Gain a Full Year’s Worth of Professional Design Skills Training
from Anywhere in Just ONE Semester –

Gain a Full Year’s Worth
of Professional Design Skills Training

Who says you must spend thousands
on a college degree to create professional designs and become a sought-after designer?

Who says you must spend
thousands on a college degree
to create professional designs
and become a sought-after designer?

You've come a long way as a self-taught designer. The dedication to learning, the hours spent on YouTube tutorials, the countless blogs read, and the books devoured - it's all part of a remarkable journey. 

You've come a long way as a self-taught designer.
The dedication to learning, the hours spent
on YouTube tutorials, the countless blogs read,
and the books devoured -
it's all part of a remarkable journey. 

The Lark School of Design Offers Affordable Professional Design & Self-Help Marketing Education That Will Help You...

The Lark
School of Design

Offers Affordable Professional Design & Self-Help Marketing Education That Will Help You...

Stand Out 
& Get Hired

Achieve in months what might take years on your own, thanks
to structured, expert-led instruction.

Achieve in months what might take years
on your own, thanks to structured,
expert-led instruction.

Accelerate Your
Learning Curve

No more guessing! Learn the elements of stand-out designs 
to pitch (and land) that dream company or client.

No more guessing! Learn the elements
of stand-out designs that give you
the confidence to pitch (and land)
that dream company or client.

Build a Strong

Equip yourself with the knowledge and skills taught in the entire first year of Art & Design school - for MUCH less!

I'm Lissie,

Licensed illustrator and professional graphic designer for over 15 years

University Professor of Art + Design

Over 10,000 feedback sessions
logged with students

a college professor and a seasoned designer with over 20 years of experience in the industry. I've helped hundreds of students master the fundamentals of design, and now I want to help you.

a college professor and a seasoned designer with over 20 years of experience in the industry. I've helped hundreds
of students master the fundamentals
of design, and now I want to help you.

Licensed illustrator and professional
graphic designer for over 15 years

It is my mission is to create a learning environment that propels each student forward, celebrating their uniqueness
and ensuring everyone feels they are progressing. 

It is my mission is to create
a learning environment that propels each student forward, celebrating their uniqueness
and ensuring everyone feels they are progressing. 


school of Design

the lark

THE LARK School of Design is a semester-long online course, that compresses more than
a year's worth of design school education into a                                                        
without the high-ticket price tag of traditional education. 

THE LARK School of Design
isa semester-long online course,
that compresses more than
a year's worth of design school education with into a

without the high-ticket price tag
of traditional education. 

manageable, actionable format

You'll learn art and design foundations, drawing, graphic design, illustration, typography,
self-marketing, and more.  

You'll learn art and design foundations, drawing, graphic design, illustration, typography, self-marketing, and more.  

Here's what you can expect...

Practical application through live drawing, through live drawing sessions and live feedback, plus discussion-based learning that will increase your skills. 
Practical application through live drawing sessions and live feedback, plus discussion-based learning that will increase your skills.
Network with industry professionals
and classmates who will become your creative allies and mentors. 

Meet me and your peers
in a virtual commons - where ideas are shared, critiques are given, and inspiration is everywhere.

Learn from Lissie,
a university professor
and 15-year veteran
in the design industry, plus trainings from other industry professionals.


Hands-On Learning

Professional Connections



Learn from Lissie, a university professor and 15-year veteran in the design industry, plus trainings from other industry professionals.

Expert Instructors

Get the confidence
and know-how to tackle bigger projects and land dream clients. It's all about making you
a standout pro! 

We'll dive into the design principles and techniques that'll make your work stand out. No more fragmented learning - this is where everything clicks together.
We'll help you build
a portfolio that doesn't just show what you can do, but makes people sit up and notice. Think
of it as your personal showcase to the world. 

Ever wonder how
to get your designs onto products like fabrics
and wallpapers?
We'll share the insider knowledge that
makes it happen. 


Core Skills 



Meet me and your peers in a virtual commons - where ideas are shared, critiques are given,
and inspiration is everywhere.

Campus Commons

Network with industry professionals and classmates who will become your creatives allies and mentors.

Professional Connections

Get the confidence and know-how to tackle bigger projects and land dream clients. It's all about making you a standout pro! 

Greater Confidence

Ever wonder how to get your designs onto products like fabrics and wallpapers? We'll share the insider knowledge that makes it happen. 

Industry Insights

We'll help you build a portfolio that doesn't just show what you can do, but makes people sit up and notice. Think of it as your personal showcase to the world. 

Portfolio Perfection

We'll dive into the design principles and techniques that'll make your work stand out. No more fragmented learning - this is where everything clicks together. 

Core Skills Training


 "Lissie serves as a fantastic leader, always attentive to our needs and offering helpful guidance as we pursue our dream of making a living as designers."

What Makes The Lark School of Design Unique

What Makes
The Lark School
of Design Unique

our program is built around 4 key pillars

Understand the historical context of design to inspire your work.

Apply your knowledge through hands-on projects and real-world scenarios.

Dive into the elements to build a strong foundation.

Explore advanced design techniques and concepts to refine your skills.

Studio Application




Here's What's Included When You Enroll 

10 Easy-to-Access
Online Video Modules

You'll work through four "terms" of trainings on design fundamentals and self-marketing. Each term lasts one month. Trainings will be released according to term and available
on-demand with lifetime access.

Here's the schedule: 

You'll work through four "terms"
of trainings on design fundamentals
and self-marketing. Each term lasts
one month. Trainings will be released according to term and available
on-demand with lifetime access.

Here's the schedule: 

The Program Syllabus

Term 2

Open 24/7
Consistent weekly events

  • Drawing 1 
  • Graphic Design 101

The Commons

  • Term Briefs
  • Live Drawing Sessions
  • Guest Speakers
  • Feedback Weeks

Term 1

A full class-description list can be found below. 
  • Art and Design Foundations
  • Visual Communication Design

Term 3

  • Drawing 2
  • Typography

Term 4

  • Illustration
  • Print Design
  • Creative Entrepreneurship and Marketing Yourself as a Creative 

Class begins August 12 with community year round. Each term includes art, design, history, and application.

Class begins August 12 with community year round.
Each term includes art, design, history, and application.





This syllabus is subject to change. Any changes will be communicated in class and via email.

Application and Studio

Term 1 - Through practical studio exercises, students will gain a deep understanding of how to effectively use line, shape, color, texture, balance, contrast, and harmony to create compelling and impactful designs. Meet me in the square and let's make some beautiful things together! 
Art and Design Foundations

Visual Communication Design

Application and Studio
The "Elements and Principles of Design" offers a comprehensive exploration of the fundamental components and guiding rules that form the basis of visual communication. 

Visual communication is the practice of conveying ideas and information through visual elements such as images, graphics, colors, typography, and layouts. It involves using visual aids to effectively communicate messages and concepts to an audience, enhancing understanding and engagement.

Term 1 - Through practical studio exercises, students will gain a deep understanding of how to effectively use line, shape, color, texture, balance, contrast, and harmony to create compelling and impactful designs. Meet me in the square and let's make some beautiful things together! 
Click through each Term to view more specific class descriptions.

Each term will include Application and Studio exercises. Terms 2-4 will include bonus History of Design lessons! 

Class Descriptions

Art and Design Foundations

The "Elements and Principles of Design" offers a comprehensive exploration of the fundamental components and guiding rules that form the basis of visual communication. 

Visual Communication Design

Visual communication is the practice of conveying ideas and information through visual elements such as images, graphics, colors, typography, and layouts. It involves using visual aids to effectively communicate messages and concepts to an audience, enhancing understanding and engagement.

Application and Studio

Term 2 - Through practical studio exercises, students will gain a deep understanding of how to draw from observation and explore style. Students will expand their portfolio by choosing from real world design assignments. As we practice drawing, we dive into the world of Typography. Our application of Typography will enhance our understanding of graphic design, and I have some fun projects planned for this module! 
Drawing 1


Application and Studio
Drawing 1 is a foundational course designed to develop essential skills in observation, technique, and expression through various drawing media. Students will explore line, form, texture, and composition, while building confidence and proficiency in creating visually compelling works.

Typography is a course focused on the creative and practical aspects of arranging type to enhance readability and visual appeal. Students will study font selection, typeface design, and the application of typographic principles to produce effective and aesthetically pleasing designs.

Term 2 - Through practical studio exercises, students will gain a deep understanding of how to draw from observation and explore style. Students will expand their portfolio by choosing from real world design assignments. As we practice drawing, we dive into the world of Typography. Our application of Typography will enhance our understanding of graphic design, and I have some fun projects planned for this module! 
Click through each Term to view more specific class descriptions.

Each term will include Application and Studio exercises. Terms 2-4 will include bonus History of Design lessons! 

Class Descriptions

Drawing 1

Drawing 1 is a foundational course designed to develop essential skills in observation, technique, and expression through various drawing media. Students will explore line, form, texture, and composition, while building confidence and proficiency in creating visually compelling works.


Typography is a course focused on the creative and practical aspects of arranging type to enhance readability and visual appeal. Students will study font selection, typeface design, and the application of typographic principles to produce effective and aesthetically pleasing designs.

Application and Studio

Term 3 - As we practice drawing and advancing our skills, we begin to build on what we've learned so far, culminating in a range of graphic design projects. You'll be able to choose from projects to build up your portfolio.
Drawing 2

Graphic Design 101

Application and Studio
Drawing 2 focuses on Life Drawing and the study of human form. Students will enhance their understanding of form, proportion, and movement, developing the skills necessary to create expressive and accurate figure drawings.

Graphic Design 101 will be full of application, extending from the Visual Communication module.

Term 3 - As we practice drawing and advancing our skills, we begin to build on what we've learned so far, culminating in a range of graphic design projects. You'll be able to choose from projects to build up your portfolio.
Click through each Term to view more specific class descriptions.

Each term will include Application and Studio exercises. Terms 2-4 will include bonus History of Design lessons! 

Class Descriptions

Drawing 2

Drawing 2 focuses on Life Drawing and the study of human form. Students will enhance their understanding of form, proportion, and movement, developing the skills necessary to create expressive and accurate figure drawings.

Graphic Design 101

Graphic Design 101 will be full of application, extending from the Visual Communication module.

Creative Entrepreneurship and Marketing Yourself as a Creative

You've learned some major skills and have up-leveled your designs. Now, we need to discuss how to market yourself as a designer. Marketing yourself or your business is how you will truly begin to monetize your work, whether you work in a design boutique, freelance, or licensing,

Print Design

Creative Entrepreneurship and
Marketing Yourself as a Creative

Application and Studio
Illustration is drawing - for a purpose. We will explore how we can tell stories visually, patterns, color, and style. 

Print design will delve into the professional and commercial graphic design world. We will create design suites for packaging and other products, while creating some incredible mockups to showcase your craftsmanship.

You've learned some major skills and have up-leveled your designs. Now, we need to discuss how to market yourself as a designer. Marketing yourself or your business is how you will truly begin to monetize your work, whether you work in a design boutique, freelance, or licensing.

Term 4 - You'll create from briefs and refine your portfolio even more as we talk about creative business. Lots of great discussions will be had, as well as some extra live Q&As. 
Click through each Term to view more specific class descriptions.

Each term will include Application and Studio exercises. Terms 2-4 will include bonus History of Design lessons! 

Class Descriptions


Illustration is drawing - for a purpose. We will explore how we can tell stories visually, patterns, color, and style. 

Application and Studio

Term 4 - You'll create from briefs and refine your portfolio even more as we talk about creative business. Lots of great discussions will be had, as well as some extra live Q&As. 

Print Design

Print design will delve into the professional and commercial graphic design world. We will create design suites for packaging and other products, while creating some incredible mockups to showcase your craftsmanship.

— jessica, university student

“I appreciate Lissie's open-mindedness. She has a wealth of knowledge when
it comes to illustration and composition.
I always leave class with a sense
of direction I did not have walking in.
I encourage anyone to work with her and learn from her.”

“I appreciate Lissie's open-mindedness. She has a wealth of knowledge when it comes to illustration and composition. I always leave class with a sense of direction I did not have walking in. I encourage anyone to work with her and learn from her.”



— rebekah

" The live sessions with Lissie and interactions with other students within the community provided the foundation for a truly inspiring road ahead. What started as a shared learning experience blossomed into something far greater - a group that not only nurtured creativity, but also fostered genuine connections among its members. The camaraderie we built was a pillar of support, creating a safe space to share, lift each other up, and propel each member toward their artistic goals and creative potential..."




"Being in a collective of designers with similar goals and aspirations as well as challenges gave me confidence... This wonderful experience experience has provided me continued support, knowledge, and growth, as well as friendships."



— latifa

You will learn so much and grow immensely in these upcoming months. Being surrounded with like-minded people and having accountability partners all over the world is truly a blessing."



— skillshare mini-class student

“Lissie makes explanations clear and detailed in an elaborate way so the student easily understand the tools needed to work.”



— kandice H.

“Thank you for clearly explaining your steps and leaving me feeling inspired to do it myself!”




sign up before august 8 for this

The first 100 students will receive six private group calls with Lissie (one per month)! 

$200 off through August 8  in celebration of our founding students

$200 off through August 8, 2024 in celebration of our founding students


When you enroll in the school of design,
here's what you'll get:

What you'll get

Live Feedback and Q&A 

Curated projects and community events

Course App 

A program-exclusive, interactive community
for one year, to connect, collaborate, and learn
from peers and mentors

A program-exclusive, interactive community for one year, to connect, collaborate, and learn from peers and mentors

Lifetime access 

PDFs and Course Materials 

10 comprehensive modules 

Course Support

BONUS modules in History of Design

This amazing program comes with an App! Watch lessons, view projects, and join in community fun and events anytime.

Course App

Get this awesome Bonus!

enroll now

enroll now


enroll now


Pay in Full



3-Month Plan



6-Month Plan





enroll now

enroll now

enroll now

Try My Program for 7 days. Get your money back if it didn’t serve you.



We are committed to providing you with the highest quality education and resources to help you achieve your goals. We believe in the value of our course and want you to feel confident in your purchase. That’s why we offer
a 7-day money back guarantee.

If, for any reason, you are not completely satisfied with the course within the first 7 days of enrollment, simply contact our support team
to request a full refund. No questions asked. We want you to be 100% happy with your decision to learn with us.

We are committed to providing you with the highest quality education and resources to help you achieve your goals. We believe in the value
of our course and want you to feel confident in your purchase.
That’s why we offer a 7-day money back guarantee.

If, for any reason, you are not completely satisfied with the course within the first 7 days of enrollment, simply contact our support team
to request a full refund. No questions asked. We want you to be 100% happy with your decision to learn with us.


money back 

Lissie leads with kindness while creating a place for accountability.
She has a profound knowledge
of Art & Design... Her collection critiques helped me hone in on how
to elevate my designs. Our sessions felt like talking to an old friend, while helping me set new goals and giving me the tools to reach them. The community Lissie created will forever be near to my heart... I wouldn’t be where I am today if I hadn’t joined this program.

Lissie leads with kindness while creating a place for accountability. She has a profound knowledge of Art & Design... Her collection critiques helped me hone in on how to elevate my designs. Our sessions felt like talking to an old friend, while helping me set new goals and giving me the tools to reach them. The community Lissie created will forever be near to my heart... I wouldn’t be where I am today if I hadn’t joined this program.



Lissie's transparent, thoughtful, and inspiring leadership throughout our time together fueled my personal growth. At the end of our time together, I developed more confidence and insight into my signature style and workflow, launched my website, and created a surface design collection. 



"Thoughtful, super-easy to follow, and opened a world of possibilities for me to add depth to my work.
I am already trying new things."



"Learn the rules like a pro,
so you can break them like an artist."


"Learn the rules like a pro,
so you can break them like an artist."


Gain a comprehensive understanding of graphic design principles

Feel assured in your abilities and ready to tackle complex design projects

Learn to spot and correct common mistakes, elevating your work to a higher standard

Gain insights into professional practices and workflows that set you apart in the industry

Create a comprehensive portfolio - a robust assignment catalog within this course will give your portfolio a boost

Develop a portfolio that showcases a well-rounded skillset, appealing to potential clients and companies

By the end of this course, you will...

study at your
own pace

guided practice and feedback

one year ongoing INTERACTIVE community

supportive OF
learning styles

“What sets Lissie apart is her fabulously creative approach to art and design...she can make even the most complex concepts accessible and fun...

“What sets Lissie apart is her fabulously
creative approach to art and design...she can make even the most complex concepts accessible and fun.

BRAILEE - university student

“Lissie is one of the kindest people I have ever met. She inspires me to think beyond what I think I know as a designer... 

Karen - a year of growth & creativity with lissie

roxy - university student

"Lissie meets her students
where they are and gives the kind
of feedback you ask for.

"Lissie meets her students where they are
and gives the kind of feedback you ask for.

She is such an encouraging person. She has so much kindness and it truly shows in her teaching."

She's honest and provides feedback in such a way that I want to hear her opinions... She is a blessing to my life. She is such an encouraging person.”

Lissie herself embodies qualities that make her an exceptional mentor. Her kindness, compassion, and intelligence shine through in every interaction. She is not just a teacher but a supportive guide on the journey of artistic self-discovery... Lissie has been the catalyst for the transformation I've had.."

It's probably not for you if:

This program is for you if:

You're looking to learn programs like adobe, canva, figma, etc. 

You're looking to learn programs 
like adobe, canva, figma, etc. 



you're an advanced graphic designer OR FEEL NO NEED FOR FURTHER LEARNING

You've already begun learning DIGITAL DESIGN PROGRAMS (ANY OF THEM!) 

you're beginning your design journey OR LOOKING FOR NEXT STEPS

When does this course start? 

No, I will not be teaching design programs like Adobe, Figma, or Canva in this particular course.

Frequently Asked Questions

The course will release 2-3 modules every five weeks for a semester-long run! 

What supplies will I need? 

Business and creative entrepreneurship will be taught as one of the modules, and will certainly be talked about throughout the course and in the live calls. 

How long can I expect to spend on this course?

Your time in the course will be up to you. You can expect a few hours of instruction per week, plus any additional hours you decide to put in some design work! 

Do I need to know technical programs?

A working knowledge of design programs will be helpful to you. However, the exercises we will be doing will not be dependent on technical programs. We are learning *design.* It's my mission to help you learn to think like a designer and fill in the gaps. 

Do you teach Design Programs?

We are committed to providing you with the highest quality education and resources
to help you achieve your goals. We believe in the value of our course and want you to feel confident in your purchase. That’s why we offer a 7-day money back guarantee.

How is the course structured? 

What is your refund policy?

Do we discuss creative business? 

You must have access to a computer and the design software of your choice.  I will be showcasing lessons using Adobe programs. For this course, many of the assignments are able to be done either traditionally or digitally, and I have created a detailed list of recommended supplies inside the course, including pencils, charcoal, and paper for our drawing sessions.   

The course begins August 12, 2024! 

We currently do not offer scholarships. If and when scholarship applications opens up, an announcement will be sent over email. 

Do you have scholarships available?

I do accept Paypal for one-time payments only. Please contact support or the livechat below to get a special Paypal link.

Do you accept Paypal? 

"In addition to helping my signature style evolution, Lissie’s super power is not only teaching...


tess - university student

“Lissie came in... and showed me a path I had never thought of before as an artist and designer. One of independence, the opportunity to create a name for myself with something I love...

but her ability to foster a supportive and inspiring community for learning."

I have learned valuable skills in creating work I am passionate about... I'm so thankful for having Lissie to guide me.”

Mission Statement

The mission of The Lark School of Design is to provide self-taught graphic designers, illustrators,
and educators with a comprehensive art and design education, akin to the first year of Art and Design School. Guided by the core values of community, creativity, and exploration, we strive to create an environment where every student feels like a peer, entering a space of mutual respect and inspiration.

We are amazed by the relentless creativity of our students. In fact, we encourage a bit of a wild streak. While we emphasize the importance of learning the rules, we hope you will always take risks and push boundaries, cultivating smart concepts and playful designs. Our unique approach fosters continuous exploration and practice, ensuring that students stay true to the mission of design as a powerful means of communication.

Here, you will find a structured yet flexible learning environment. Our teaching methods include hands-on practical work, discussions, live demonstrations, and community events, providing a well-rounded and immersive educational experience.

We aim to empower our students to feel like true colleagues and confident designers, equipped with portfolios that showcase their unique perspectives and ready to secure the opportunities they aspire to with clients and companies.

The mission of The Lark School of Design is to provide self-taught graphic designers, illustrators, and educators with a comprehensive art and design education, akin to the first year of Art and Design School. Guided by the core values of community, creativity, and exploration, we strive to create an environment where every student feels like a peer, entering a space of mutual respect and inspiration.

We are amazed by the relentless creativity of our students. In fact, we encourage a bit of a wild streak. While we emphasize the importance of learning the rules, we hope you will always take risks and push boundaries, cultivating smart concepts and playful designs. Our unique approach fosters continuous exploration and practice, ensuring that students stay true to the mission of design as a powerful means
of communication.

Here, you will find a structured yet flexible learning environment. Our teaching methods include hands-on practical work, discussions, live demonstrations, and community events, providing a well-rounded and immersive educational experience.

We aim to empower our students to feel like true colleagues and confident designers, equipped with portfolios that showcase their unique perspectives and ready to secure the opportunities they aspire to with clients and companies.

email me

Still on the Fence?

let's do this

We're here to chat! Email me at the link below and we will get back to you quickly!